3-4. other phrase constituent: adjective/adverb modifier

3-4-1. adverb phrase as adjective/adverb modifier

  1. Descriptions
    • An adverb phrase modifies an adjective or another adverb when it provides more information about the adjective or adverb.
      • Commonly modifying the degree, intensity, or manner of the adjective/adverb.
    • They can often be a single word (e.g quite unsure, extremely unhelpful) but may extend to more than one (e.g a little dissappointed, not entirely sure).
      • Adverbs can be observed commonly ending with -ly.
    • They cannot exist on their own (independently) due to being depedent (non-clausal) phrases.
  2. Tag
    • rb+jjrbmod is tagged on the adverb of modifying adjective/adverb phrase.
  3. Examples
    • That cat was suprisingly fat.
    • We will see those impacts fairly quickly.
    • Depite the captain's best efforts, the team was not entirely sure about the plan.
    • The boy was fairly certain that it would rain due to the heavy smell in the air.
  4. Discussions
    • We did NOT tag the prespotitional phrase working as an adverbial phrase.
      • …ran all over every hill and down every valley