2-4. noun phrase constituent: complement

2-4-1. noun + to complement clause

  1. Descriptions
    • Noun + to complement clauses modify the noun and provide a purpose or potential action related to the noun. For example, in the sentence His decision to move to New York was influenced by the promise of better job prospects, the clause to move to New York modifies the noun decision, specifying what the decision involves.
    • Noun + to complement clauses are non-finite, and have missing subjects that can be reconstructed from the context of the sentence.
    • It is important to distinguish this tag with noun + to relative clause tag.
      • noun + to complement: For example, in a sentence You've been given permission to wear them, the clause to wear them is about the permission, defining what it implies but not necessarily needing any particular element from the main clause (You've been give permission) to be understood its meaning.
      • noun + to relative clause: For example, in a sentence You're the best person to ask, the clause to ask describes why You're the best person, which we can consider that this clause structure is more closely linked to explaining why the previous noun (person) is described as such.
  2. Tag
    • tocls+ncomp is tagged on the main verb of the to complement clause.
  3. Examples
    • You've been given permission to wear them. (p. 645)
    • Legal peers renewed their attack on the Government's plans to shake up the legal profession yesterday. (p. 645)
    • She seized every opportunity to learn new skills during the workshop.
    • His decision to move to New York was influenced by the promise of better job prospects.